The practice of saying the Hail Mary three times is a traditional Roman Catholic Devotion asking for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was first recommended by Saint Anthony Padua with the purpose of " honoring the spotless Virginity of Mary and to preserve a perfect purity of mind, heart and body in the midst of the dangers of the world."
Saint Mechtilde had three visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary who explained how the Three Hail Mary devotion honor the three persons of the Blessed Trinity. The first prayer recalls the Power she received from our Father to intercede for sinners, the second the Wisdom received from the Son, and the third, the Love she bears, filled by the Holy Spirit.
O Mary, by the pure and Immaculate Conception, make my body pure and my soul holy.
Say Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst woman, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners , now and at the hour of our death.
O my Mother, preserve me this day from mortal sin.
Say another Hail Mary
O my Mother, preserve me this day from mortal sin.
Say another Hail Mary
O my Mother, preserve me this day from mortal sin.
It has been recommended to pray this prayer in the morning after waking and again at night after an examination of conscience to persevere faithfully until death.