Dear Faithful,
Here are the first day's meditations. If you have St. Alphonsus' Complete Works (LINK HERE), this is on Kindle Location 20883 if you prefer to read the meditations.
Before you begin, if any of you are unfamiliar with mental prayer, please listen to a sermon on mental prayer (MP3)
Meditation 1: Salvation is Our Only Business in This World
Meditation 2: Damnation is an Irreparable Evil
Meditation 3: We Must, Before All, Secure Our Salvation
A few notes on these meditations:
The whole point of these meditations is to facilitate conversation with God concerning these eternal truths. If you race to the end, you will gain far less than those who spend time contemplating the very first meditation for the full eight days. St. Alphonsus says that it only takes one holy phrase to make a saint (e.g. "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world, yet suffer the loss of his soul?").
As much as possible, pause the recording where something inspires you to deeper prayer. Do not let these moments of grace pass you by.
Please know that I will be praying for those making this retreat in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Keep the Faith!
In Christ through Mary,
Fr. Franco
