Few if any biblical commentaries come close to the depth and detail of Cornelius à Lapide. For the serious biblical scholar who wishes to guide his studies through the writings of the Church Fathers and doctors of the Church, this commentary is for you. Just how detailed is this commentary? Depending on the publisher for the original Latin text commentary: 20 to 30 VOLUMES. The majority of this commentary remains in Latin, but efforts are underway to translate this into English.
Learn more about Cornelius à Lapide here on The Catholic Encyclopedia: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04377a.htm
You can access an English translation of the New Testament Commentaries (partially complete). http://www.catholicapologetics.info/scripture/newtestament/Lapide.htm
If you prefer holding a physical copy of the book, please visit Loreto Publications:
Keep the Faith!

I echo Mary Alice: thank you, Fr. Franco. This is a treasure .
God bless you!
Goldmine! Thanks Fr. Franco!