Dear Faithful,
In case you missed this gem in the sea of links, please visit to attend streamed Masses throughout the world.
I know we all wish things were back to normal, but you can gain a plenary indulgence by assisting virtually at one of these streamed Masses (see the previous post on Indulgences). In order to benefit the most, I recommend the following steps to Sanctify the Lord's Day:
1. Even though you are not receiving Holy Communion sacramentally, it would be good to keep the normal Eucharistic Fast (no sense in getting out of practice during Lent!). This also helps to keep you focused.
2. Dress up in your Sunday Best. Sure people won't see those fuzzy bunny slippers, but we are talking about the Worship of God Himself!
3. Once you pick a scheduled Mass, make sure to "arrive" early enough to get ready spiritually. I recommend setting aside 30 minutes before the Mass begins.
4. Occupy your thoughts with holy things. Turn off all electronics (other than what you will use to attend Mass) and remove the dog and other pets that might distract you. Also make sure your "Holy Device" for streaming the Mass has notifications turned off.
5. Pray the Rosary (as you normally do during Mass).
6. Also recite those prayers in your hand missals to prepare for Holy Communion. Even though you cannot receive Sacramentally, the more you dispose your soul to receive Our Lord, the more graces He will pour out upon you.
7. Finally, take the time to thank Our Lord for the graces you have received. If you wish to gain that plenary indulgence, make sure you say the usual Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
After "the Mass is finished" why don't you grab your Cup of Joe and give your Church pals a call.
Once more, please be assured of our continual prayers for you at the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar.
Keep the Faith!
P.S. Times are in EDT
P.P.S. Depending on location, these Mass times might change. Please check the website for the latest schedule.

Frs. Marsolle and Franco - thank you SO much for doing this for us! You are in my prayers daily that you remain healthy and that we may be reunited SOON.