Dear Parishioners,
On Wednesday, the Diocese published a 59 page protocol for parishes for phase 1.
The Diocese requires that each parish submit a plan of action respecting this
protocol. Upon approval (and only then), public Masses will resume with the
restrictions of Phase 1.
Dear faithful, this will be a very unusual Church experience and I hope this is only
very temporary.
This plan will include:
Porters will be posted at the entrance.
The mandatory use of face masks in the building (for everyone above the age of 3)
The maintaining of social distancing (except for households sitting together)
No admittance in the building if symptoms (fever, a new cough, etc.) are present
Respecting the 50% capacity limit. Pews will be marked for proper seating of individuals and families.
Ushers will direct the faithful for seating, communion and exiting (more details to follow on those procedures, maybe even an instructional video!)
Communion will proceed in the usual manner, but maintaining social distancing.
Unfortunately, the congregation will not be permitted singing during phase 1
A sanitizing team will disinfect the church after every Mass
No social gatherings following Mass
Dear faithful, I will keep you posted moving forward. I would like to thank each one of you for your support, your prayers, your patience and your incredible generosity during this ordeal. May God reward you!
Keep the Faith!
P.S. I can’t wait for things to get back to normal.

We are getting our Holy Mass and Holy Communion back!! Praise God and His Blessed Mother!!