Dear Parishioners,
We will be live-streaming on Youtube in addition to Facebook and the blog.
(update: Here is the finished video Since this is another platform, please subscribe to the channel rather than rely on the links. The video is embedded below.
I have been working most of the day to get the livestream set up (in addition to my priestly duties), so I have not had a chance to record an evening video (sorry). In order to nourish your souls for today, please check out this website:
I will be featuring various articles from this website from time to time. It is an excellent resource for reclaiming Catholic culture and teaching future generations what our forebears just took for granted.
Today's featured article: PREPARING FOR SICK CALLS
Ever wonder what to do when the priest comes to anoint you? What is the traditional way to prepare for the priest to bring you Holy Viaticum (Holy Communion before your death)? Ever wonder how those old "sick call Crucifixes" were used? Wonder no more. Check out this excellent article:
Keep the Faith!

Thank you Fr. Franco for all your hard work. You and Fr. Marsolle are providing much needed encouragement and spiritual direction. We’ve never hungered or thirsted so much for Holy Mass and the Eucharist....