From The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori, a continuation of the chapter named Various Examples Appertaining to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary:
66. A young clerical student playing one day at ball with other young men, and fearing he should lose a ring in his play, which had been given him by a lady, he placed it on the finger of an image of Mary which was near; and he immediately felt impelled to make a promise to the Virgin to quit the world and choose her for his spouse. He made the promise, and Mary pressed his finger in token that she accepted it. But after some time he wished to marry another, and Mary appeared to him and reproached him for his infidelity; wherefore he fled into a desert and led to the last a holy life.
67. About the year 850, Berengarius, Bishop of Verdun, in Lorraine, having entered a church where a certain priest named Bernerio was saying the office of Mary prostrate before the choir, stumbled against him, and in his vexation struck him with his foot. In the night the most holy Virgin appeared to him, and said: How is it that you struck with your foot my servant who was engaged in praising me? Because I love you, "she added, "you must pay the penalty." Then his leg became withered, but he lived and died a saint; and after many years his body, except that leg, remained uncorrupted.
68. A young man who was left wealthy at the death of his parents, by play and dissipation with his friends, lost all that he had, but always preserved his chastity. An uncle, who found him reduced to such poverty by his vices, exhorted him to say every day a part of the Rosary, prom ising him that if he would persevere in this devotion he would procure for him a good marriage. The youth persevered, and having amend ed his life, he was married. On the evening of his nuptials he rose from the table to go and recite his Rosary, and when he had finished it, Mary appeared to him and said: Now I will reward thee for the honor thou hast paid me: I do not wish that thou shouldst lose thy chastity; in three days thou shalt die, and shalt come to me in paradise. And this really happened, for im mediately a fever attacked him. He related the vision, and on the third day died in perfect peace.
69. The devout author of the book in honor of the most holy Rosary, entitled, The Secret of every Grace," relates that St. Vincent Ferrer once said to a man dying in despair: "Why will you ruin yourself when Jesus Christ wishes to save you?" And he answered, that in spite of Christ he would be damned. The saint replied: "And you, in spite of yourself, shall be saved." He began to recite the Rosary with the persons of the house, and behold, the sick man asked to make his confession, made it weeping, and then died.
70. The same author also relates that a poor woman, who was buried by an earthquake under the ruins of a house, was found alive and uninjured, with her children in her arms, by some persons who were employed by a priest to remove the stones. When she was asked what devotion she had practised, she said she had never failed to say the Rosary and visit a chapel of the most holy Mary.
71. He also relates that another woman who led a wicked life because she thought it the only means by which she could gain a livelihoodj was counselled to recommend herself to Mary by saying the Rosary; she did so, and behold one night. the divine mother appeared and said to her: "Quit your sinful life: as for your support, trust in me, and I will think of that." The next morning she went to confession, and Mary most holy provided for her wants.
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