From The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori, a continuation of the chapter named Various Examples Appertaining to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary:
87. A youth named Guido, who wished to join the order of Camaldoli, was presented to St. Romuald by the prince, his father, whose name was Farnulf. The holy founder received him with pleasure. One day Mary appeared to this good youth, her servant, with the infant Jesus in her arms. Esteeming himself unworthy of such a favor, he stood trembling, but the divine mother drawing near to him, said : "Why do you doubt? What do you fear, Guido? I am the mother of God, this is my son Jesus, who wishes to come to you ;" and saying this, she placed him in her arms. Guido had not been three years in religion when he fell dangerously ill. St. Romuald saw the poor youth writhing and trembling, and heard him saying: "Oh Father, do you see all the Moors in this cell"? "My son," said the saint to him, "do you remember any thing you have not confessed?" "Yes, Father," he answered, " I remember having disobeyed the prior, by not picking up certain brooms, and now I confess it." St. Romuald absolved him, and then the scene changed; the devils fled, and the Virgin again appeared with Jesus, at the sight of whom Guido died in perfect peace.
88. A Cistercian nun in Toledo, called Mary, being at the point of death, the divine mother appeared to her, and Mary said to her: "Oh Lady, the favor you do me of visiting me, emboldens me to ask you another favor, namely, that I may die at the same hour that you died and entered into heaven. "Yes," answered Mary. "I will satisfy you; you shall die at that hour, and you shall hear the songs and praises with which the blessed accompanied my entrance into heaven; and now prepare." When she had said this she disappeared. The religious who heard the nun talking to herself, believed her wandering in mind, but she related to them the vision, and the promised grace, and awaited the desired hour; and when she knew it had arrived, by the striking of the clock (the writer does not tell us what hour it was), she said: "Behold, the predicted hour has come; I hear the music of the angels; at this hour my queen ascended into heaven; rest in peace, for I am going now to see her;" and saying this she expired, while her eyes became bright as stars, and her face glowed with a beautiful color.
89. In the city of Sens, in France, there lived towards the eighth century St. Opportuna, the daughter of a prince of royal blood. This holy virgin, who had a great devotion to Mary, became a religious in a neighboring monastery, and being at the point of death, she saw St. Cecilia and St. Lucia standing beside her in the dawn of the morning. "My sisters, be welcome, she said to them; "what message do you bring me from my queen?" And they answered: "She is waiting for thee in paradise." After this the devil appeared to her, and the saint boldly sent him away, saying: "Brute beast, what hast thou to do with me who am the servant of Jesus? " The hour of her death, which she herself had predicted, having arrived, after receiving the holy viaticum, she turned towards the door, and said: "Behold the mother of God who comes to take me. Sisters, I commend you to her. Adieu, we shall see each other no more." Thus saying, she raised her arms, as if to embrace her Lady, and gently expired.
Keep the Faith!
Thank you so much for the beautiful photo...I have one rose outside my window. Antoinette
God bless you, everyone!