From The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori, a continuation of the chapter named Various Examples Appertaining to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary:
6. The daughter of a prince had entered a convent, which was not very fervent, and in consequence, though she was naturally of a good disposition, she advanced but little in virtue. But having by the advice of a good confessor begun to say the Rosary, meditating at the same time on the mysteries, she so changed that she became a model for all. The nuns, however, displeased at her seclusion, did all that they could to make her give up the course she had traced out for herself. One day whilst she was saying the Rosary, and entreating Mary to help her in the persecution she underwent, a letter fell before her. On the outside was written, 'Mary, the Mother of God, to her daughter Johanna, greeting.' Inside it she read: 'My beloved daughter, continue to say my Rosary; avoid intercourse with those who do not help thee to live well; beware of sloth and vanity; banish two superfluous things from thy cell, and I will be thy protectress with God.' The abbot, under whose jurisdiction the monastery was, visited it soon after, and endeavored to reform it, but without success. He one day saw many devils enter the cells of the nuns, but not into that of Johanna; for the Divine Mother, before whom he saw her praying, drove them away. Having afterwards learnt from her the devotion of the Rosary which she practiced, and the letter she had received, he ordered all the nuns to do the same; and the account says that the convent became a paradise.
7. In Rome there was a woman known by the name of 'Catherine the Fair,' who was leading a most disorderly life. She once heard Saint Dominic preaching on the devotion of the Rosary, had her name enrolled in the confraternity, and began to recite it, but without changing her life. One evening a young man of noble mien came to visit her: she received him with courtesy, but, whilst they were at supper, she remarked, that as he was cutting bread drops of blood fell from his hands, and then she saw that there was blood on all the food he took. She asked him what was the meaning of this. The young man replied, that 'the food of a Christian should be tinged with the blood of Jesus Christ, and seasoned with the remembrance of His passion.' Astonished at such an answer, Catherine asked him who he was. 'Later,' he said, 'I will tell you.' Then going into an adjoining room, the appearance of the young man changed; he was crowned with thorns; his flesh all mangled and torn; and he said: 'Desirest thou to know Who I am? Dost thou not recognize Me? I am thy Redeemer. O, Catherine, when wilt thou cease offending Me? See what I have endured for thee. Thou hast now tormented Me enough; change thy life.' Catherine burst into sobs and tears, and Jesus, encouraging her, said: 'Love Me now as much as thou hast offended Me; and know that I have granted thee this grace on account of the Rosary thou hast recited in honor of My Mother.' He then disappeared. On the next morning Catherine went to confession to Saint Dominic, distributed all she had to the poor, and ever afterwards led so holy a life that she attained a very high degree of perfection. Our Blessed Lady appeared many times to her, and our Lord Himself revealed to Saint Dominic that this penitent had become very dear to Him.
8. Blessed Alan relates that there was a lady named Dominica, who for a time said the Rosary, but having afterwards given it up, she fell into such poverty that one day in despair she gave herself three stabs with a knife. When she was on the point of expiring, and the devils were already preparing to take her to Hell, the most Blessed Virgin appeared to her, and said, 'Daughter, although thou hast forgotten me, I would not forget thee on account of the Rosary which at one time thou didst recite in my honor. But now, if thou wilt continue to recite it, I will not only restore thee to life, but will also restore thee the property thou hast lost.' Dominica recovered her health, and, persevering in the recitation of the Rosary, regained her property and on her death-bed was again visited by Mary, who praised her for her fidelity; and she then died a holy death.
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God bless you. I’m there. This brings Hope.