Ever wonder what kind of books the saints read? How about something so good, Pope Gregory XIII personally wrote to the author to thank him for a job well done? Allow me to introduce you to The Sinner's Guide by Ven. Louis of Granada. (Read online HERE)
If you want to see just how good this is, read the Apostolic Brief from the successor of St. Peter himself (below)
Keep the Faith!
Apostolic Brief of Pope Gregory XIII
To our well-beloved Son, Louis of Granada, of the Order of Friars Preachers
Dearly Beloved Son, Health and Apostolic Benediction: Your arduous and incessant labors, both for the conversion of sinners and for the guidance of souls to perfection, together with the valuable assistance you render those who are earnestly engaged in the work of the ministry, have always afforded us great consolation.
Your sermons and writings, filled with sublime doctrine and practical piety, are unceasingly drawing souls to God. This is particularly gratifying to us, for all who have profited by your teaching [and their number is very great] may be considered as so many souls gained to Christ. You have thus benefited your fellow creatures more than if you had given sight to the blind and raised the dead to life. For the knowledge of the Eternal Light and the enjoyment of the heavenly life, according as they are given to man on earth to know and enjoy, are far above the knowledge and enjoyment of the transitory goods of this world.
The charity with which you have devoted yourself to your great and important labor has gained for you many crowns.
Continue, then, to devote all your energies to the prosecution of your undertakings. Finish what you have begun, for we understand that you have some works yet incomplete. Give them to the world for the health of the sick, for the strength of the weak, for the delight of God’s servants, and for the glory of the Church both militant and triumphant.
Given at Rome the 21st of July, 1582,
In the eleventh year of our pontificate.

Thank you, beloved Fathers. This book is a gem. I’m hoping to keep reading it daily. God bless you.