Remember, Christian Soul (English)
Remember, Christian soul,
that thou has this day,
and every day of thy life:
God to glorify. Jesus to imitate. A soul to save. A body to mortify. Sins to repent of. Virtues to acquire. Hell to avoid. Heaven to gain. Eternity to prepare for. Time to profit by. Neighbors to edify. The world to despise. Devils to combat. Passions to subdue. Death, perhaps, to suffer. Judgment to undergo.
Memento, tuum esse hodie
(Remember O Christian Soul in Latin)
Memento, tuum esse hodie: Deum glorificare, Iesum imitari, beatissimam Virginem et Sanctos venerari, Angelos invocare, animam salvare, corpus mortificare, virtutes a Deo exorare, peccata expiare, paradisum comparare, infernum evitare, aeternitatem considerare, tempus bene applicare, proximum aedificare, mundum formidare, daemones impugnare, passiones frenare, mortem semper exspectare, ad iudicium te praeparare.
Keep the Faith!

Shouldn’t these two lines be in the English version as the 3rd and 4th lines?
Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints to revere.
(Holy) Angels to invoke.