Do you want to take your prayer life to the next level? Do you find yourself struggling to overcome a particular sin or defect? Perhaps what you need is some spiritual food for the soul. These classics have helped sinners become saints. Even if you find yourself busier than usual, these spiritual classics are broken down to manageable chapters and sections you can read while waiting for the coffee to brew.
Want to know about a particular topic, but don't want to read the whole book? How browsing the table of contents and jumping to those interesting chapters.
I have included links to digital (and free) copies as well as your traditional books. N.B. Most of these PDFs are not the most mobile-friendly, but you can easily find a Kindle version on Amazon.
1. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas á Kempis. (e-book / physical book) A spiritual classic. Gives concrete examples and easy to understand method for "imitating Christ,"
2. Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales. (PDF / physical book) Goes into the basics of the Spiritual Life: what it is, how to grow in virtue and overcome sins.
3. The Interior Castle or the Mansions by St. Teresa of Avila (PDF / physical book) Once you get a hang of the spiritual life, allow St. Teresa to help you advance past the basics and avoid those rookie mistakes. She starts out with the basics of the spiritual life.
4. Spiritual Combat by Fr. Dom Lorezno Scupoli. (PDF / physical book) Gives a practical game plan for overcoming vices. Since we are the Church Militant here below, consider this your strategy book which has successfully helped countless souls overcome vices and grow in virtue.
Keep the Faith!
P.S. Don't forget to check out our earlier posts on Catholic resources. And while you are at it, why not browse the St. Joseph Audio Library!

Great books. I recently got 10 books of St. Thomas A’Kempis for $1.99 on Amazon.