Just a reminder that we are going to have Mass livestreamed tomorrow at 11:00am.
In case you missed it, here some suggestions to help you sanctify the Lord's Day with a streamed Mass:
You also have many other Mass times available at LiveMass.org
Don't forget the Sunday collection. Although we don't have public Masses, we still have to pay the bills. Here is the link to donate electronically: https://stjosephrichmond.weshareonline.org/
Keep the Faith!
P.S. If I did things correctly, you should see the video embedded in this post once we go live. If you missed the stream, check back here for the video.

What are the hours the church will be open for prayer tomorrow? Still 8am-6pm? I am wondering when the church will be closed for Mass. thank you and God bless you Fathers!
Just what I needed to hear! Thank You!!! Mary B. God Bless You !!!!